Doctor tamil movie review

Hello and welcome to navayuga rathakanneer in this episode we are going to be talking about nelson's doctor starring Sivakarthikeyan and priyanka arul mohan now imagine the situation you are the hero of a big movie and a girl you know has been kidnapped what would you do you would maybe find the local kidnappers to do these things the local the lowest of the low people you would threaten them and then through them you would get to know who the second rung in the hierarchy of kidnappers is and slowly you would go from run to run until you reach the very top the ultimate villain who is very smartly played here by vinairai this is what you would do and you would do all of this single-handedly you will fight this guy you will save the girl all is well right but nelson says wrong nelson says that even with the very same series of steps that i just outlined a movie can be very very different he says that you can assemble a terrific supporting cast that's archana lovers and yogi babu and treat a family tragedy which is this kidnapping of this young girl and treat this family tragedy like a wacky comedy and he says that you can treat a hero who's known for making a smile and make him remain serious throughout the only time shiva karthik and smiles in this movie is during the hit challamar song which is placed right at the end actually so it remains in character that throughout the movie he doesn't even crack one single smile now imagine that again a Sivakarthikeyan movie where he doesn't crack a single smile that famous civica in grin you see on posters is completely absent and there is a reason he plays a doctor and in the very first scene that we see him in he's in a war zone he's in one of those tents he has two patients to treat one of them is a colonel who's on the verge of dying an indian colonel the other one is a terrorist now he decides to treat the terrorist because that guy is not as grievously wounded and if you treat the terrorists then there is a chance that he might be saved and he might give us vital information that we need this is the trait that defines the civican character the doctor throughout the film he is not a katipudi vaidham kind of guy he is very unemotional he is utterly logical he says that you cannot reveal your feelings while doing an operation whether it is an actual operation like a surgery or whether it is an operation in the sense of saving a kidnapped girl a big salute to shivakatikan for playing this robotic character without thinking will my fans still like me and this is in continuation with vijay's alcoholism and master and ajit's bipolarity nirkunda parwai it's really great to see our big heroes getting adventurous in their choice of roles but the real hero of this movie is the director nelson because in every scene every scene that he's written his logic seems to be how can we make the scene different how can we avoid the cliches for example why should the hero always fight alone why does he always get to save the day single-handedly why can't he get help from other people or consider this why should the hero and heroine always fall in love in the first half why can't that happen at a much later stage at a much much much much much later stage and so in the first half where the energy levels are typically high and where you typically expect do its why instead cannot we have a sad song a slow-mo kind of sad song where we show the family of the kidnapped girl in tragedy and therefore we feel how much pain they are in in many many ways i was reminded of nelson's debut column of cocula there too there was this constant effort to be different this constant effort to avoid cliche there was no hero the whole film revolved around the heroine and there was a very very tragic issue of the heroine's mother's lung cancer and yet the film was treated like a wacky comedy so at a basic level like colombia coquilla doctor is certainly entertaining it takes a serious issue and takes it in a totally different direction totally different and also tonally different direction in kuala lumpur the serious issue of lung cancer became a black comedy gum drama and here in doctor the serious issue of human trafficking becomes a black comedy thriller anirudh really gets his director like in column of gokula hereto he gets the tones the director is after so here you get the tones of the black comedy and the thriller but in very different instrumental shades the cinematographer is vijay kartik kanan if you remember shiva kumar's vision's worked in kolamov okay like he was cinematographer there you noticed a lot of neon lights and things like that the crap is a very colorful film whereas here this is a more quasi-realistic film and this looked by vijay kathikanan works beautifully but i also faced a similar issue that i faced with kolomavo kokila i think both films on paper to read as a screenplay would have been fantastic with all the humor with all the cliche breaking but on screen the tones sometimes clash and when the films go straight that is for example when they go get all serious the mood falls flat another thing is the pacing the way nelson stages the scenes you feel they need a little more energy a little more zinc he lets every moment linger a bit or two more than necessary and this makes a lot of scenes less than what they could have been in the sense that you're still appreciating the lack of cliche and you're still laughing at the individual lines and the individual jokes but taken as a whole scene taken as the entirety you feel that sometimes this should have worked much much better but then like i said doctor is still a solid entertainer then there are many many many memorable moments the profit sharing joke scene the way yogi babu has this hand slapping game the way the villain stages a trump card at the breakfast table at a resort and best of all something that i didn't expect at all the way the hero himself stages are kidnapping oh and there's also a terrific terrific action scene on a metro train i mean it is staged with so much humor and so much you just don't expect minute to minute what is going to happen there were so many times in doctor i was like what the hell how the hell is he imagining it nelson is no doubt a very very unique and individual director whether it's the way he thinks or writes he has a very very unique signature so many scenes in doctor are so fantastically imaginative that the film really really raises your hopes for the film that nelson is doing next which is with vijay so that's it about doctor if you like this follow my blog to navayuga rathakanneer and see you soon at the movies

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