wonder women

In a little town called rockland there carried on a helpless rancher his name was sam he lived with his better half rebecca and a child johnny and a girl eva sam endeavored to acquire his vocation 

one day sam was working when he felt mixed up he lost his cognizance also, was harmed seriously he was the lone bread champ of the family so it was hard for them to meet their finishes one day rebecca said dear I was thinking about accomplishing some work with the goal that we could bring in some cash I can't remain at home in the present circumstance we scarcely have any food left in our home I need to accomplish something rebecca this is happening as a result of me isn't it in the event that I was not harmed you wouldn't need to work and children wouldn't need to endure what drivel you are discussing you have done nothing incorrectly 

you will get well before long even the specialists 

have no clue about when I will recover 

rebecca I'm exceptionally stressed over the 

future I am certain 

you will get well soon I'm certain of it 

also, about bringing in the cash 

I will function as a servant for certain families 

also, bring in some cash 

you simply focus on recovering at this point 

I will take a brief trip and check whether somebody is employing 

then, at that point rebecca left the home and went to 

one family 

for looking for some kind of employment she rang the ringer on 

the entryway 

furthermore, a woman opened the entryway she inquired 

who are you what do you need ma'am my 

name is rebecca and I live across the 

corner I'm needing a task and 

I contemplated whether you have any work for me 

that is the reason I came here 

what sort of work you can do cleaning 


clothing and cooking I can do all the 

family tasks 

ma'am I will do anything you need me to 

do I just need a house keeper to do cleaning and 


will you do it I will pay 1000 for a 


I will not give you more that is alright I will 

do it 

I will come simultaneously consistently 

also, I won't frustrate you 

also, henceforth the following day she began the 


she additionally tracked down some more houses to work 

inshe buckled down the entire day and would procure 5000 

each month rebecca was exceptionally glad that 

she was procuring now 

yet, it actually wasn't sufficient for her 

family so she would get back the food that was 

abandoned and offered it to her family 

in this manner they were carrying on with their life 

the food that was pointless for those 

families was valuable to rebecca's family she 

would channel and give the eatable food to 

her kids one month had passed this way rebecca was currently progressing admirably 

those families were fulfilled 

with her work one day her courtesan 

emily said to her rebecca a ton of 

the previous food has been left 

will you take it with you yes ma'am I 

will take it 

then, at that point rebecca put all the food in a 

holder and put it in her pack perfectly 

subsequent to completing her home errands she 

returned home they adored the food and 

ate it till their paunches were full from 

that day onwards 

it turned into a schedule each day there was 

something left and rebecca would ask her 


and afterward took the food home now the 

blustery season had begun 

rebecca was all the while working yet one day

she was behind schedule for work so every last bit of her 

fancy women began yelling at her 

just emily didn't blow up with her 

emily asked rebecca aren't you feeling good on the off chance that you 

are wiped out 

then, at that point you can withdraw ma'am poor 

individuals have no extravagance of withdrawing 

assuming we don't labor for a day, we don't 

get food to eat 

saying this rebecca began doing her 

work a couple of days after the fact 

emily got some information about her family however 

rebecca didn't enlighten her concerning her 


this shocked emily by then sam was 

ready to sit without anyone else 

also, could work with the assistance of a stick 

in any case, he was not completely recuperated 

he would deal with the youngsters he 

portrayed his youngsters various stories 

what's more, visited with them on various 

various points 

one day when rebecca was going for her 

work it began coming down 

she didn't have an umbrella yet she 

still attempted to save herself from downpour 

also, scrambled for the work 

when she arrived at the house she 

was splashed wet 

she saw that her garments were all 

wet it was awkward 

be that as it may, she actually began working after 

completing work at two houses 

she went to emily's home in transit she 

thought how unfortunate I am I wish the downpour would 

stop soon 

I don't have cash to purchase an umbrella 

how should I respond 

as it was coming down vigorously she took a 

cover close to a shop 

subsequent to standing by some time she came to 

emily's home 

when emily saw rebecca she said rebecca 

for what reason are you so wet 

in the event that you don't change the garments you will 

get a bug and fall wiped out 

no ma'am i'm fine you can wear my saree 

you will not get a bug then, at that point 

it's pleasant of you to consider me i'm 


be that as it may, I can't acknowledge this i'm truly fine 

then, at that point rebecca began her work 

subsequent to completing her work she was about 

to leave 

in any case, emily requested that she stop rebecca 

take your compensation before you go and this 

is a blessing from me 

rebecca saw that the sack contained 

some food and an 

umbrella for her eyes teared up due 

to this generosity 

she said ma'am this was excessive 

I can't acknowledge this umbrella is a 

blessing from me and the food is for your children no doubt 

what's more, this is your compensation take it alright ma'am 

much thanks I should leave now 

then, at that point rebecca left for home this time 

emily chose to follow her to home 

so she began following her at home 

kids were stressed over their mom 

father when will mother return home we are 

extremely ravenous ava she will come soon she may have 

accomplished some additional work that is the reason she 

she's late 

emily followed rebecca and contacted her 


subsequent to arriving at home rebecca washed her 

hands and legs 

then, at that point she opened the pack and took out the 

food and showed it to her family 

the children were glad seeing the food 


i'm ravenous thank god you brought 

this food 

I like it especially no doubt then, at that point take this 

you can eat all you need emily was 

watching this from the window 

she was unable to keep down her tears she 

taken note 

that rebecca's significant other is lying on a bed 

what's more, her children were playing inside the 

house when rebecca came 

everybody was extremely cheerful so emily too 

went in her home 

repeka when rebecca heard emily's voice 

she turned around 

she saw emily remaining there so she 


mam what are you doing here if it's not too much trouble, come 

sit down 

rebecca you are dealing with such countless issues 

in your life you just continued working 

at the point when I asked you said nothing 

wouldn't you say me as your companion 

dislike that I simply didn't need 

you to feel pitiful for me 

so I didn't uttered a word to you rebecca 

I will ensure that your significant other gets 

the best treatment and I will even compensation for your 

kids instruction 

you don't need to stress hearing this current rebecca's eyes teared up and she expressed gratitude toward emily a ton you are actually quite extraordinary individual sister 

i'm fortunate to have you as my sister 

you truly focused on me 

as a genuine sister would do when rebecca 

called her sister 

emily embraced her after that rebecca and 

her family lived joyfully 

emily assisted her children with going to the 

school and sam 

additionally got treatment in a notable 

medical clinic 

after certain days he recuperated and began 

working once more 

there are numerous such workers in our 

country who never disclose to us their accounts 

in any case, they endure a ton this is a reality 

you can't battle hunger everyone works 

to fulfill their craving 

we have no clue about the number of families 

are enduring this way 

so we need to help them in any capacity we 

can this story instructs us that we ought not 


any work less decent and ought to 

give the extra food to somebody who 

needs it 

we ought not waste food and consistently help 


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